I created this blog with the express intent to clear up misunderstandings and, quite frankly, the blatant lies that generally are passed along about the agricultural industry. Today, I get the chance to respond and, hopefully, debunk one of these stories. Monsanto, who is famously known for … [Read more...]
Michigan Ag Plan: Regulatory Reform
Now THAT’S Pure Michigan!
Michigan Ag Plan: Market Access
Does Eating Organic Make You a Jerk? Yes.
And now we have the science to prove it. I didn't necessarily need a study to tell me this, but apparently people that buy organic tend to be jerks. Yep, a study out of Loyola University New Orleans indicates that when people buy organic, they start looking down at all of those other shoppers … [Read more...]
Destruction of Michigan’s Fruit Crop and the Consequences
The video does a nice job summing up the extent of the damage, as well as explaining how the crop loss will effect everyone in the production chain, the community, and even the local schools.Today, Governor Snyder has official requested federal assistance from the USDA for the losses. In the press … [Read more...]
Do You Consume “Kind” Foods?
Apparently, eating organic is not "kind" enough -- we must go farther! That's why Stephanie Dohar and Greg Litus decided it was high time they just go out and farm for themselves! As vegans, they finally realized that even if they were eating vegetables, those veggies were probably grown using … [Read more...]
Peter Dinklage Donating Time & Fame to Farm Sanctuary
Don't you just love when celebrities want to get involved with something? I mean, honestly, they usually take the time to cultivate their knowledge, get some first hand experience, and then find a way to make a meaningful difference.Uh huh.Peter Dinklage has decided to dedicate his voice to the … [Read more...]
Food Safety Concerns Around the World
We have a few stories out today about food safety concerns around the world. First, while it is true that the US has seen its share of food safety problems, such as the listeria outbreak last summer, these outbreaks are fairly rare. We have an exceptionally safe food supply. On that note then, … [Read more...]
Michigan’s Ag Plan
We all know how important it is for agriculture to continue to grow and be a priority for our legislators. When given the chance, I want to highlight programs and organizations that are working to do just that.Over the next few days/weeks, I will be pointing out highlights of Michigan Farm Bureau's … [Read more...]