Don’t you just love when celebrities want to get involved with something? I mean, honestly, they usually take the time to cultivate their knowledge, get some first hand experience, and then find a way to make a meaningful difference.
Uh huh.
Peter Dinklage has decided to dedicate his voice to the activist group Farm Sanctuary. (No, I didn’t know who Peter was either. Click here for his IMBD page. You might recognize him.) Peter has been a vegetarian since the age of 16, so he finally decided he needed to use all of his success for the greater good.
Farm Sanctuary is an organization, apparently based on of New York, that is dedicated to bringing awareness of the strife farm animals face. They actively advocate for national and state legislation aimed at “protecting” farm animals.
Want to adopt a farm animal? Sure, you can do that on their website.
Or perhaps you want to check out the “farm animal spotlight,” which currently features a “rescued” steer and how he finally found the friendship he was seeking.
Ah, isn’t that wonderful? Another misinformed celebrity donating their time, and probably money, supporting a far left activist organization that rails against our nation’s farmers. It’s even better when they don’t have a scintilla of accurate information.
It just makes you want to check out that IMBD page and boycott some of Peter’s movies. Am I right?
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