Some things just want to make you roll your eyes. This story about a high school students in Florida creating a self-sustained, organic farm in Florida is one of those. The Foundation Academy unveiled an aquaponic farm this week. The little creation is solar powered and uses fish for profit and … [Read more...]
Enough Is Enough
I really enjoy the videos put out by Free Market America. I'll keep posting them as they come out. … [Read more...]
Evil Ag Corporations Donate Millions to Africa
We always hear how evil corporations like Monsanto and DuPont are for business practices. Turns out they aren't always they bad guys. They've volunteered to donate over $150million to African programs supporting agriculture in the area. Good for them. Too bad the public doesn't know that … [Read more...]
If I Wanted America to Fail….
UPDATE: Occupy the Farm Lawsuit
UC-Berkeley has filed suit now against the protesters. Apparently the police presence did not deter the occupiers, so legal action has been taken.Click here to read more. … [Read more...]
Gov’t: County Fair is “Waste” (and Manipulating Kids)
County fairs are usually a big deal for kids involved in 4-H, FFA, and sorts of other farm related activities. Apparently, the government has a problem with all that "waste." For some nice commentary on this, check out this (albeit, from a random source). … [Read more...]
Occupy the Farm
Not sure how I missed this one, but have you heard about Occupy the Farm? As part of a spin off on the Occupy Wall Street demonstrations, protesters are occupying a piece of land owned by the University of California-Berkeley. Supposedly, the occupiers believe the school is going to develop the … [Read more...]
Pesky Truth About Pink Slime
Today it's the sexier and more salacious stories that get passed around the internet. With social media most people just skim headlines. They don't bother to read the whole article, let alone do some research to figure out how accurate it is. This is what happened with so-called pink … [Read more...]
More Fallout on DOL’s Pulled Child Labor Regulations
As reported last week, the Department of Labor (finally) decided to listen to the agriculture community and pull the new child labor regulations that would prohibit any child under 18 from doing specific chores on the farm. Well, the response keeps coming. As you can imagine, agriculture … [Read more...]
Organic’s Poor Yield Problem
If you've been to the grocery store lately, I'm sure you've encountered some type of organic produce. Usually this stuff looks less than appetizing, but apparently people are buying it. Despite the fact that there is absolutely no health or nutritional advantage, organic sales have been … [Read more...]