Finally, a break!
Common sense has prevailed today in our federal government (er…at least a little bit).The Department of Labor has decided to withdraw the rules that would stop children from working on family farms.
In a press release issued today, the DOL said:
“The decision to withdraw this rule – including provisions to define the ‘parental exemption’ – was made in response to thousands of comments expressing concerns about the effect of the proposed rules on small family-owned farms. To be clear, this regulation will not be pursued for the duration of the Obama administration.
“Instead, the Departments of Labor and Agriculture will work with rural stakeholders – such as the American Farm Bureau Federation, the National Farmers Union, the Future Farmers of America, and 4-H – to develop an educational program to reduce accidents to young workers and promote safer agricultural working practices.”
Sounds like a much better plan!
See the full press release here.