Dr. Kevin Folta, the same professor and scientist that called Food Babe out on her recent speech at the University of Florida (you can read his response here), sat down with Global News to discuss biotech crops. Definitely a good video to share with friends on the fence – he’s articulate, smart, and a scientist!

An interesting interview, except that Kevin failed to mention the organic industry.Everyone knows it's URBAN organic activists who are dead-set opposed to GMOs, no one else. In fact, organic farmers support GMOs! So why not include mention of the organic movement every now and then?It's as if Kevin is so intent on being polite to anti-GMO organic activists that he's willing to let them gain ground. But doesn't he want to defend the use of GMOs?
Unless you have some type of evidence or proof that Dr. Folta is being paid by urban organic or anything else, I'm not sure how you substantiate your claims. His approach obviously promotes GMOs. When you only have so much time on camera, I think there are lots of positive things he can talk about without getting off topic on urban organic.
I never suggested that Kevin Folta is working for urban organic activists.By failing to mention the fact that they're the ones opposed to GMOs, he is however providing them with excellent cover for their nefarious, self-serving actions.
So disingenuous to suggest that “haphazard” natural breeding is obviously riskier than the GMO “surgical strikes”. Can’t we just eat food?
Not really. Natural breeding techniques undergo no studying, while GMO techniques undergo a whole bunch of testing. That’s his point. Plus, Kevin Folta is a scientist that studies this stuff for a living, so I’m going to go ahead and trust him on this one.
Also, I do eat food. I’m not sure what you’re trying to get at with that comment.
In another video featuring him he said that GMOs are in 70% of the grocers food. I wish he had elaborated on the ‘restraint’ for GMO projects that are being “held back” and by who when they are so broadly used?
I can’t verify or listen to the video you’re referring to obviously, but I can imagine he’s referring to the very organized and well-funded groups that are using scare campaigns to turn public opinion against GMO products. While I don’t necessarily doubt that GMOs are so prevalent in the grocery store, that’s because corn is used in so many products, not because GMO projects aren’t being held back. It takes an average of 10 years for a new GMO product to make it to the marketplace – that holds them back.