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The Election is almost here! That means voters in Colorado and Oregon will be heading to the polls soon to vote on mandatory GMO labeling. You can read my article about Colorado’s Prop 105 here, and my article about Oregon’s Measure 92 here.
But even if you aren’t in one of those states, it’s a good idea to keep in mind who might be supporting these bad ballot proposals and why.
It just so happens that the Wall Street Journal published an editorial yesterday calling out sectors of the organic market that are dead set on these measures passing, and they’re ready and willing to pay for it too!
The editorial says:
If you can’t beat them, ask the government to stigmatize them. That’s the adage in Oregon and Colorado, where organic-farming interests posing as champions of consumer transparency are hoping to persuade voters to approve ballot initiatives on Nov. 4 requiring costly and useless food labels.
Long-term, the organic protectionists want to eliminate this safe, reliable technology that’s revolutionized agriculture and made food more affordable. The Organic Consumers Association, whose lobbying arm pitched in $300,000 for Measure 92, calls for a “global moratorium on genetically engineered foods and crops” on its website. Labeling is merely step one.
You can check the full article out here. (I understand that you may need a subscription to view the article, but don’t worry because I pulled the best quotes for you!)