I’m starting to feel like a broken record by repeating myself all the time. But, again, we have another government agency recognizing that glyphosate, the active ingredient in the herbicide Round-Up, is not a carcinogen.
Officials at Brazil’s health agency Anvisa have concluded there is no link between exposure to glyphosate and cancer. The agency will now recommend the herbicide for use and sale. Brazil has a strong policy of banning any pesticide known to cause cancer.
If you’re having trouble keeping up, here’s the total list of government agencies that have reached the same conclusion:
- European Chemical Agency
- European Food Safety Authority
- Canadian Pest Management Regulatory Authority
- Health Canada
- Intertek Panel
- New Zealand poison experts
- US Environmental Protection Agency
- World Health Organization
Not to mention the long-term study recently published finding the same.
There are some pretty heavy hitters on that list. And yet, cancer trials are going forward against Monsanto in California on this very issue.
We live in a strange world.

Great article Amanda!! We appreciate your support!!
here is an interesting 3rd party study for a totally different issue that is more concerning as regards glyphosate …. https://cen.acs.org/environment/pesticides/Glyphosate-disrupts-honey-bee-gut/96/web/2018/09?fbclid=IwAR0G5gvVruzVTx3yjxGNEYIQnFfXcwhYWEYRCz_kt_SIrI5f6r-tARTBDlg
It would be concerning if it had even a shred of credibility. But it doesn’t. You can read why the “study” was so flawed here.
Amanda, repeat it till they hear you out.