On Saturday, as I often do, I posted a link on my Facebook page to a really great article that someone else wrote. This time, the article was written by Blake Hurst. The gist of the article was that these guys that know nothing about farming are often the ones that try to come up with the brand new “sustainable” approaches to farming. In the process, they end up alienating real farmers by accusing us of really horrible things.
This was my favorite quote:
The average farmer is 58. He’s been farming for decades. He has knowledge both deep and wide of the land he farms, the animals he raises, and the climate in his small part of the world. Not only that, but he and his kind own or control most of our farmland, and they’re making the decisions about what happens to that land. If your goal is to change agriculture from the ground up, it might be good to include the people who own the ground. Does our experience, the knowledge hard won through drought, flood, and pestilence, count for nothing?
You can read the full article here.
To go along with that article, I found this meme from Chow Babe to be particularly accurate: