We grow GMO corn.
Yes, that’s right – corn that has been genetically modified. That stuff that so many activist groups and people claim is so bad and so dangerous and making everyone sick. We grow that stuff.
All of our corn has two genetically engineered traits. The first one makes it resistant to the herbicide Round-Up. The second causes it to produce the Bt protein.
We choose Round-Up Ready corn because we are better able to keep the fields free from weeds. That eliminates competition for the corn plants, so they can get as much sunlight, water, and nutrients as possible. We are able to grow more corn on the same amount of land than before we started using GMOs. Bonus: we actually end up using less herbicides now than we did in the past with better results.
We choose the Bt protein because it helps protect the corn from certain types of worms. Worms love corn, but when they chow down, they also hurt our yields. When the plant produces the Bt protein, worms die off before feasting because they are unable to digest it. Since we have started using GMOs, we have not sprayed insecticide on our corn.
Of course, people are concerned about the safety of these crops. We worry, too. But GMOs are the most heavily regulated and studied crops in the world. Scientific consensus, from over 2,000 studies, is that GMOs are just as safe as their non-GMO counterparts. The National Institute of Science agrees.
So, yes, we grow GMO corn. Because it helps our farm be more efficient and profitable. Because it lowers our farm’s impact on the environment. Because it allows us to produce safe, quality corn.

Thanks Amanda!!! We need to keep our side of GMO’s out there!!
See the Science of glyphosate use here!
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I have no idea what you mean by this?
I’d also like to add that GMO’s also isn’t an exact science. We just don’t know. As far as I’m concerned safety first. I only wish that the United States would get on board with the rest of the world. It’s like wheat grown in the good ol’ USA. Oddly, many friends report that althought they are “gluten intolerant” here, they can eat wheat products in Europe. This isn’t antibiotics or GMO’s, but it is about profit and getting the most for your money here in America. As Trump would say, “sad…” 😉
Linda, there is no GMO wheat grown in the United States or anywhere else in the world. People are only gluten intolerant if they have Celiac’s disease. In that case, it doesn’t matter where the wheat comes from or what product it goes into, they will be allergic too it. I suggest your friends actually get tested for these things before slandering American wheat farmers and suggesting that our products are hurting them.
I’m okay with GMO’s so far but when you said the changed protein Bt started killing worms that used to be able to safely eat the corn. For those of us who are not familiar with Bt, is this a protein every other species can digest? People, cattle, pets, Ect…
Hi Jessie! Yes, the Bt protein can be digested completely safely by people, cattle, pets, etc. There are only certain types of worms/bugs that are not able to do so. I explained it more in detail in this post: https://www.thefarmersdaughterusa.com/2014/09/my-dog-chocolate-and-bt-sweet-corn.html