Think about it for a second.
A good business selling a quality product will strategically use marketing to convince consumers that product is superior to their competitor’s product. I want companies to be so proud of the product they’re selling that they just can’t wait to tell me how awesome it is. I want to know that what I’m buying is the best value for my hard earned cash. Unfortunately, companies tend to use marketing to tell you why it would be bad for you, dangerous even, to purchase a different brand’s product. “Don’t buy brand X, because they use toxic pesticides, GMOs, and chemicals!”
Remember how competitors used to duke it out over who was better? Detergent brands bragged about which one got your clothes cleaner. Pop brands ran taste tests to see which consumers preferred. Pain relievers insisted they kept your pain away better for longer.
The notion that a company would try to market its product by convincing people that its competitor’s product is literally going to hurt you is ridiculous.
A business that doesn’t make such a good product or that doesn’t have that much to brag about will use fear as a key component of its advertising. We so often see advertising boasting that the product is non-GMO. Well, who really cares? It makes absolutely no difference to the quality or value of the final product. It adds nothing to the safety or effectiveness of that product. In reality, that product is no better than anything else we can choose on the shelf. The same is true of so many advertising tactics that induce illogical fears.
That’s why a good company that produces a good product doesn’t resort to fear tactics to promote that product. If a company does take that road, what does it ultimately say about the product they want to you purchase?
