I’m convinced that the reason people are so afraid of biotech is simply because its such a foreign concept to them. They don’t get it. They don’t understand how it works.
The group Glowing Plant is on the way to making this a reality. After a successful Kickstarter campaign this spring, Glowing Plant raised enough funds to begin creating a glow-in-the-dark plant that could replace a reading lamp. People who donated $40 or more to the Kickstarter campaign will receive seeds for the glowing plant when it is successfully developed. Through its Etsy store, Glowing Plant is also selling a Glowing Plant Maker Kit. The kit is completely separate from the donation awards on Glow Plant’s Kickstarter page, so anyone can purchase it. Nearly everything needed to transfer the glow gene into an Arabidopsis plant is included in the kit. The only items that need to be bought separately are bleach, ethanol, and dry ice, all of which can be bought from your local grocery store. You can place your order now, but kits won’t be available for shipping until May 2014.
(Source: Biology Fortified)
Imagine how we could unleash the possibilities of biotech if we could stop all the senseless talk about Frankenfoods, poisoning children, and plants that throw grandma off a cliff. No more protests with people dressed up in ridiculous costumes. No more advertising campaigns directed at scare tactics. No more pointless labeling initiatives.
Instead, we could embrace these scientific processes and use biotech to help people. We could grow plants that are packed with nutrition, are drought resistant, and higher yielding. Instead of spending money arguing with idiots, we could spend the money on research.
I’m not naive enough to think the opposition to GMOs will ever go away (does the opposition to anything ever go away?). However, introducing kids to the technology early could be an excellent tool in making progress. Just as we have programs to teach kids about farming, this should be an essential part of that education.
Besides, who doesn’t want a glow in the dark plant?!
Image courtesy of FreeDigitalPhotos.net.

You and I think alike. It is all about education, education. You are right on about the lack of basic understanding of the science behind it. I always think of the Latin quote, "Damnant quod non intelligunt." It is translated into they condemn what they do not understand. Keep up on education so that more people can understand a great tool instead fearing it.
I agree, people don't know what GMO is beyond the acronym it's self. They also don't bother to do the homework to educate themselves. Instead, groups like environmentalist, communists and people with a hatred towards US corporations use fear, uncertainty and doubt (FUD) to scare people. Using emotional hardship stories to suggest that GMO causes ill effects, with no proof to back up their claims.