Our soybean seed was delivered this week. Unlike the corn, the soybeans come in these really big bags that have to be carried around with the fork lift.
The soybeans we’re using this years are Round Up Ready 2 from Stine seed. I’ll explain more about that next week.
To put into perspective how many seeds are in these bags, try this: each bag has enough seeds to plant 30 acres with 15 inch rows. Put another way, there are 40 actual bushels to a bag and each bushel contains about approximately 140,000 soybean seeds.
Want to take a stab at the price of each bag?
About $2,000 each. (One bushel of soybeans is about $50. )
By the way, the USDA predicts that there will be 81.5 million acres of soybeans planted this year. Compare that to 76.533 million acres last year that were planted into soybeans. U.S. farmers planted 77.198 million acres of soybeans in 2012.
That’s a whole lotta beans!