Quite a while back, I posted about a “study” which purported to show that GMO corn gave rats tumors. (You can read my full article on it here.) At the time, I pointed out that the study lacked the things that would make it scientifically credible: a control group, adequate sample sizes, inaccurate analysis of the data. Plus, the rats that were used were prone to tumors anyway, regardless of diet.
And a whole lot of scientists agreed that the study was garbage. 700 scientists signed a petition asking the guy that conducted the “study” to release the full data on the study. The European Food Safety Authority was of “insufficient scientific quality to be considered valid.” Last month, Nature Journal, where the “study” was originally published asked the lead scientist to either retract the “study” or they would do it for him.
He declined. So, the journal retracted it for him.
Now, the lead guy is mad. He claims the journal reviewed his study more than others and that a former Monsanto scientist, who now works at the journal as an editor, influenced the journal to retract it.
Or, you did a really crappy study and people called out your BS.
I’m really happy to see the journal made the appropriate decision to pull the fake study. Too many anti-GMO (so-called) scientists are publishing studies without adequate scientific basis. Many of them are doing so with money and support by leading anti-GMO interest groups. We need more accountability for the scare tactics — because that’s exactly what these groups are doing.
Most people will see the headlines about these studies and never stop to look into it. Were proper procedures followed? Who funded the study? Was there any review of it? No one wants to stop and ask those questions. And it scares people needlessly. Given the stakes — that we need to produce a whole heck of a lot more food to feed the world’s hungry population — we don’t need people making up junk science to order to turn people off to biotech.
Bravo to Nature for making the right call.
Oh, and I was right.
Image courtesy of FreeDigitalPhotos.net.

Well written! I couldn't agree more. As I stated on your blog FB page, it drives me BATTY, even bat-shit-crazy, that the anti cause is allowed to move with reckless abandon. But if WE, who have science, facts, truth, on our side move in that way – we are called shills and evil and every other name in the book. How many people/organizations/scientists/groups have to tell this dude his study is CRAP and invalid? Now he's pulling the Monsanto card? *We* can't do that? Do you see us pointing a finger at 'organic' anything? No, we can't! It's a double-edged sword that I am SO sick of fighting. P.S. I love how you don't name said "scientist". Very Voldemort of you….oops…
I had been telling people for a long time that the GMO cancer study was bunk. Whenever I would meet someone that claimed GMOs cause cancer I would ask them where they read that (most didn't remember) but the ones who said they read a study I would tell them just to google that study and see that most everything that pops up is discrediting it (same goes for the anti-vaccine people). Thanks for posting this!