Oh, IARC, you’re really starting to look rather silly.
The European Chemical Agency has concluded that glyphosate is not a carcinogen. You can read the full report here.
Round-Up, a herbicide utilizing the active ingredient of glyphosate, is up for license renewal in the EU (as in other parts of the world). The conclusion will likely pave the way for Round-Up’s renewal. The European Chemical Agency, which is a an agency within the EU, based the decision off of scientific research based on both human and animal studies.
In case you’re trying to keep track, there are now quite a few organizations, agencies, and groups that have reached the same conclusion since IARC said that glyphosate was a likely carcinogen. I put them in a handy little list for you:
- European Chemical Agency
- European Food Safety Authority
- Canadian Pest Management Regulatory Authority
- Intertek Panel
- New Zealand poison experts
- US Environmental Protection Agency
- World Health Organization
I love being able to add to this list because it confirms that IARC likely had some other type of agenda (which has been documented by other sources), and that their conclusion was just completely wrong.
It also means that we can feel even more confident in the crop protection products that we’re using in our fields.