And now we have the science to prove it.
I didn’t necessarily need a study to tell me this, but apparently people that buy organic tend to be jerks.
Yep, a study out of Loyola University New Orleans indicates that when people buy organic, they start looking down at all of those other shoppers that are buying conventional foods.
Why? We aren’t sure but the researches had some theories. It’s the hip thing to do, of course, so if someone isn’t purchasing organic food, they just aren’t hip. Or how about if you aren’t doing it, you just don’t care about your health. People that care about their health are better. Buying organic is “green” and “green” is cool.
Whatever the reason, the study found that:
Actually, that’s not at all the case. And here’s why. When folks start shopping and eating organic, a self-righteous change begins. In other words, they become snobs. They look down on those folks in the grocery store check-out line sticking with processed food, frozen dinners and even those shoppers who do not bring their own reusable bag. And they become downright judgmental.No one is really surprised by this information. They could have saved the money they used on the study and just asked me if this was true, but it’s nice to have the science to prove we’re right.
In conclusion:
Bottom line: Next time you consider buying organic, do so if you think it’s good for you. But keep your attitude in check — you’re not better, smarter, greener or necessarily making more of a difference in the world than your McDonald’s chomping neighbor.
You can find the complete study here.
Gini says
No better than, just healthier than…
thefarmersdaughter says
Thanks for your comment, Gini. However, I'm not sure what your point is? Because organic food is not healthier than conventional food. In fact, it's probably less healthy. You need to read the Stanford study. I also suggest reading my series on busting the organic myth (all 3 parts).