I used to be a really big Carrie Underwood fan. I have her CDs and I even saw her in concert. (Ask my former roommate how many times I played her music on “repeat” during college….)
But Carrie has a secret (that might not be quite so secret)….she’s not a fan of animal agriculture.
She posted this on her Facebook page:

Nice to see someone else that "gets it"! Hypocrisy is the only way to describe it.
Great job! It is all so true and I am glad you made it known!!
Awesome job!! Great article!! 🙂
Fantastic article!!
I am a Black Angus farmer of about 500 head of cattle , I catch them on my property I will shoot and ask questions later. Thank you for posting this , beautifully written !
Her character should have been evident when she released 'jesus take the wheel' followed by 'before he cheats'Hypocritical to say the least. Plus, what a terrible actress!
how would someone like strangers coming into THEIR house and film how they treat their kids or how they treat they cats or dogs? it's the same difference people! I was born and bred a country farm girl and our animals were taken care of before we were, they were doctored and protected just like one of my own children. My property is just that, my property. If someone is mistreating animals I will be the first one to turn them in but stay off my property or you will be looking down the barrel of my Mossberg. I am an All-American girl.
From what i've seen on this the people typically don't trespass onto these farms. They record their footage under the guise as a new farmhand that are actually undercover agents of PETA etc. Which is dishonest but wasn't illegal until the ag-gag laws were passed. Animals being raised for food is just that, its not pretty, but it is reality. I'm not sure if Carrie Underwood eats meat but anyone that does and also has unrealistic expectations about where it comes from is in denial. I have family that have raised cattle and I've never doubted their respect for and ethical treatment of animals. Family farms make everything possible in this country and actual animal abuse is very rare on those farms. What should really be of concern to everyone is the rise of corporate farms that are motivated purely by profits and may be an increasingly detrimental force in the destruction of the family farm.
;;;;;;;;;;;;by the way, Carrie is a Vegan, which means she eats no meats, because they have to be killed to eat. She grew up on the farm and said she could not eat her friends. I would definitely say she does not believe in cruelty to animals. I'm not sure what you are saying about her thought on animals. I just don't get it. I love her music and I do think she is a good person.
I don't think Carrie is cruel to animals, nor did I say that. Carrie doesn't believe that farming operations have a right to privacy, nor does she believe that those in animal agriculture are fundamentally good to their animals. As a farmer's daughter, I'm not ok with that. I think Carrie's fans, many of whom are from rural farm areas, have a right to know that. Fundamentally, this is about Carrie Underwood not supporting farmers which is NOT ok. You can read my other article about her here: https://www.thefarmersdaughterusa.com/2013/12/carr…
I really appreciate your comments, especially given your background in animal agriculture. I would just caution that we don't blame the rise of *corporate* farms for the destruction of *family* farms. Most of the time corporate = family! In fact, as a lawyer, I recommend ALL farm clients (family or otherwise) incorporate or form an LLC. But a family farm can definitely (and should definitely) be a corporate farm, too. You can read more on my article here: https://www.thefarmersdaughterusa.com/2012/10/pier…
the bitch told her hubby to get rid of all his guns and he is not to hunt anymore I know what would tell her MIRANDA IS A BETTER SINGER ANYWAY.
Carrie Underwood is a shameless Gold Digger, She sold her soul to the highest bidder the HSUS and PETA. Remember entertainers manage a mask and seldom show themselves for what they really are. She choose to help the enemnies of agriculture. Why is it no seems to understand that larger operations are needed to feed the world? As a business person I can see the people that are going to mget hurt if these people have their way are the poor, the miniorites, the people presently starving around the world and the elderly. Large farmng operation keep the cost of our food down and provide food and dairy products for the human populations of the world. The goal of PETA and the HSUS is to eliminate farming, and if a few million people have to starve to death along the way as a result it's ok with them. I am really amazed to see these convenient idiots so called family farmers throwing in with the PETA and the HSUS, do you think for one minute that because they are having a hard time competing now, by changing the other guys will somehow as if by magic make them a better farmer. The asnswer is "Probably not in this lifetime!"
I definitely don't think that family farmers are throwing their hats in with HSUS and PETA. Quite the opposite. The legislation they support also hurts us.
I see this is a little old-but something that NEEDS to be said and pointed out: the "under cover" photographer for the trashy animal rights groups not ONLY routinely goads employees-especially NEW employees-into abusing the animals, but he has actually abused the animals himself to get the other employees to be "more at ease" abusing the animals so that he can tape them. He also has been recognized as an employee on many other farms-after a few weeks, he just never showed up for work. He was unable to get any footage of animal abuse, so he simply left the farm and went to another-yet no mention is ever made of all the farms where abuse was entirely absent and no video could be made to twist into their evil propaganda. Sadly, some people such as Carrie Underwood are too stupid to see they are only being used and are not bright enough to use their brain to attempt to get the "other side" of a story. Please support the "King" amendment to the Ag bill and stop supporting the AR trash that is attacking agriculture by spreading lies and brainwashing weak minded dim-witted morons such as Carrie Underwood.
Poor little rich Carrie. She doesn't live in the real world anymore since going big time. She does seem like a nice person however and we can only hope she is only ignorant about what the Ag-Gag law is truly all about. I hope she does some research and takes a different stance on this subject. Maybe we should give her the benefit of the doubt on this for now. .
I would love to give her the benefit of the doubt, but unfortunately, she's been very active in the ag-gag campaign laws. Even if she doesn't know, then it's willful ignorance.
Carrie Underwood is a vegan and has made it clear in other articles that she feels strongly about the fact that America's obesity problems and health problems are due to people consuming meat, and she is a HUGE supporter of PETA and HSUS. This isn't a big surprise. I do hope this enlightens people so they may think about where the money they spend goes to, because going to her concert and buying her Cd's is directly contributing to organizations PETA & HSUS having more money and growing bigger, and lobbying directly against your livelihood that indirectly supported them! Such as going to Kmart & Sears and spending your hard earned American money is going to support gun control, and then your offended that antigun activist are being backed, but you are the one who are indirectly supporting them , people do not pay attention to where they spend their money anymore !
Ooh, good plan! End a human life for no reason, then figure out if it was justified later.Grow up, and have some respect for human life.
Odds are, you are not a farmer. Unless you have some experience with this, i would shut my mouth.
These laws have nothing to do with small farmers (of which I am one); they are decided to protect the super feed lots with ten of thousands of animals, from any exposure of their day to day inhumane practices… You all are being manipulated by big agro business if you think PETA really intends to come into a cattle barn and pastures holding a small herd of Black Angus, or goats or whatever.
its hysterical to me how freaked out everyone in the "ag" community gets when a person doesn't share or challenges their beliefs. It's closeminded, uneducated and well, expected. no different when it comes to religion, sexuality and political beliefs. Step off the drone and meet her half way. Protect your way of life by challenging her to find something wrong in the animal ag world. THere are too many examples to count of animal negligence. The ag community should grow a pair and police this problem themselves. Instead, they are letting fear guide their inability to challenge themselves.
Right. So the next time someone attacks your passion and accuses you of cruelty of something you care deeply about, I want to watch you sit back and say/do nothing. Because I'm SURE that's how you would react. #sarcasm
I know HSUS is one of those charities that uses only a tiny fraction of what they take in for the actual work they claim to do, and their aim is to eliminate pet and animal ownership, but I don't know much about their "accuracy in presenting the facts" practices. PETA, on the other hand, has a proven track record of distorting facts and outright lying to try and promote their agenda. They definitely have an attitude of, "the end justifies the means," and are not at all adverse to completely fabricating a story if they think it will serve their purpose.The problem with video posting is that it is completely at the whim of the person editing the video. Just as we can take a speech by anyone, and by creatively connecting sentences, make it appear they said something completely different, so also can a completely different perception be created by how short video segments are cobbled together. Objectivity is a vanishing trait, falling to the situational ethics embraced by too many activists.If one must resort to deception and tricks to promote their cause, it's a strong indicator that they need to reevaluate their cause. A truly worthy cause stands on its own merit, and doesn't need charlatanism to shore it up.
ive been around farms my whole life and ive never once seen or heard of animal abuse on those farms. America was made on meat. One of the main reasons the west was settled was because of a need for beef, eating meat is american and im not letting some city slicking rich girl tell me what i can and can not do.
hey GRM what would you do if someone broke into your house "just let them walk around"? You need to get a grip on reality. farmers are he same as anyone else they do not want random strangers on their property stealing and vandalizing stuff. i keep bees and had 12 hives stolen a few years ago now every farm that has my bees on them had instructions if they do not see me they are to shoot first and ask questions later. People that grow your food work harder in a day than you do in a whole week maybe even a month. you need o go get a real grip on reality
On another note….she sucked in the sound of music friday night. She should hang up acting. It was despicable!!!!
What they seem to forget is ranchers and farmers are the best stewards of the land. Not only is it their passion and heritage it is their livelihood. Good stewardship and husbandary habits equal productivity. They take great pride in their yields and production numbers of their livestock.Land and livestock that is abused does not produce.healthy robust yields. They need to educate themselves on the practices and principals of agriculture so they have some understanding before passing uneducated claims.
Good article and discussion after.It appears to me that if someone supposedly grew up on a farm and now has a horrible opinion of farmers and the way they treat animals it is a pretty telling indicator of the way animals were treated on the farm she grew up on. PERHAPS her family's farm is the one that needs to be videoed by PETA!
Each to his/her own opinion. Personally, considering our evolution, we are either carnivores, omnivores, or herbivores. The circle of life is cruel in general. We see it on Planet Earth or the national geographic channel all the time. Insert a human and cow into frame on a mass productive level, cruelty can be mistaken for survival of a massive human race easily. I think Mrs. Underwood is just trying to make her difference in the world by standing by her herbivore status. So once again, to each their own opinion.
No, she's not just trying to support some evolutionary slant that she has — she's attacking our way of life and financially supporting an organization that wants to end it. I can't and won't just sit by while she works to accomplish those goals.
It is extremely close minded and arrogant to viciously attack someone simply because they do not believe in the same thing as you. These organizations do not wish to kill off the farming organizations. Conspiracy theorist? Animal cruelty is so common and it's impressive that she can take a stand, knowing the backlash that would come with it. I agree, personal property laws are there for a reason, and if someone is on your property attempting to harm you, livestock or your family; by all means shoot them. However, imagine all the animal abuse that could continue on if people didn't break these boundaries to help these animals. Its similar with child abuse, that is why so many children are stuck in awful situations.
No one is viciously attacking Carrie. I pointed out the flaws in her argument and why she was wrong. If Carrie is allowed to voice her opinion, I can tell her why she's wrong. Animal cruelty is the EXCEPTION, not the norm and to suggest otherwise is an absolute distortion and lie.HSUS goal IS to end animal agriculture. Nothing can be more clear than that. https://www.thefarmersdaughterusa.com/2012/12/hsus…
Define small. If you have 20 heads of cattle, then I'm not convinced you count as even a "small" farmer. What is clear is that PETA and HSUS want to end animal agriculture, whether you have 1 cow or 1,000,000 cows. To think otherwise is naive. As far as everyone being manipulated by "big agro business" – 1) we are sophisticated business people, not podunk little farmers that don't understand how the economy and politics work; and 2) the differences you're trying to paint are inaccurate: https://www.thefarmersdaughterusa.com/2012/10/pier…
It IS a good plan. Trespassing is trespassing. Here in Missouri, and a lot of other states, if you're on my property uninvited, I have the legal right to shoot you if I feel that myself, or my property is in danger. And I'm sorry, but anyone sneaking around uninvited, in my opinion at least, is not there with my best interest in mind. How do I know you're not going to rob me? How do I know you don't work for a rival farm, and are here to poison my cattle? And if I knew people like that were hanging around, hitting up all the farms in the area? I'd go with the good ole fashioned farmer rule from my grand daddy's day, and load up with rock salt. You won't die, but it'll hurt like hell!
I'm 23 years old, grew up on, and still own and operate a mid-level hog farming operation in Southeast Kansas (on average I have anywhere between 2-3000 head of hogs.) Personally, I've never supported Carrie Underwood. Her acting, and her music, are both terrible. When I found out she was an active supporter of PETA and HSUS, I was so angry that I informed all of my friends, family, and customers that if they supported me and my farm, they would NOT support Carrie Underwood in any way. I say this because I have personally felt the heat from PETA when one of their representatives posed as someone who wanted to buy a few hogs to slaughter a few years ago. I allowed them to come to my farm and to pick out which ones they wanted. They then took off when I turned my back to take pictures of hogs that had died from genetic diseases such as Atresia Ani (absence of an anal opening in new borns) and had been picked at by coyotes because I had not had a chance to properly dispose of them yet. The next day they returned with a few local supporters (a few I've known my entire life) and a PETA lawyer, threatening to have me shut down for the "inhumane" way I had treated them. First I showed evidence that they had died from natural cause, and then I smarted off and said "Well they aren't human, they are simply animals, so why should I hold them to a higher standard?" This angered the representative so much that he began to shout nearly unintelligible profanities, and then had the audacity to put his hands on me. I know many of you will not agree with this, but at that point I'd had enough, and I knocked him the hell out. The PETA volunteers didn't have the gall to try to step in, and his lawyer only sighed and shook his head and called the man an idiot. When he awoke, he attempted to tell me he was having me arrested for assault, until his lawyer informed him that he had no case since he had instigated it on my property, and that I could have him arrested if I'd chosen two. Moral of the story: PETA is filled with nothing but fanatic morons. I apologize, I tend to ramble when I first get up in the morning to do chores and feed.
I find it interesting that some commenters choose to say that it is close minded of you to "attack" someone simply because they do not have the same beliefs as you and that she has a right to her own opinion and feelings. They are right, she does have a right to her own opinion which she has already fulfilled by becoming a vegan. When she decides to condemn others for not having the same feelings she does and we stand up for our beliefs (which I can only assume by the posters logic is , in fact, also OUR right to have) we are somehow the "close minded" jerks who are intolerant.
Exactly. This type of hypocrisy pops up all the time and the only one labeled intolerant is person the poster disagrees with.
Ever since Carrie Underwood came to a Nebraska music event and told us she did not eat meat and was booed by the crowd I have not supported her at all since. Common sense is obviously very lacking in her brain. Unfortunately when someone is not given enough smarts to know the difference, sane intelligent people cannot deal with ignorant and incapacitated intellect. Truly intelligent people make rational decisions based on fact and research not emotion. Ranchers are great stewards of the land and their legacies! If you overuse your land today it will not be there for you tomorrow! But again that is common sense! Eat BEEF!