Hey, farmers: Carrie Underwood is not your friend.
Miss Underwood has been all over the television in recent weeks (including tonight) doing what she does best – performing music, being pretty, and making lots of cash. But before you tune into her televisions gigs, concerts, or request her songs on the radio, you should know that Carrie likes to take a portion of that cash you’re giving her and donate it to people that don’t like you or a rural lifestyle.
I previously posted about Carrie’s opposition to so-called Ag Gag Laws. But her betrayal to rural Americans is much, much worse.
Carrie Underwood is an ardent support of animal rights organizations, including the Humane Society of the United States.
In 2009, Carrie actually donated $200,000 to HSUS. In fact, one paper even dubbed her an HSUS “Hero.”
The hypocrisy is astounding: Carrie makes her living by selling her music, concerts, and television gigs to her fans, many of whom are rural, and then turns around and uses that money to financially support an animal rights organization set on destroying their way of life.
“I have never said anything like that…but because I support the HSUS and their spaying and neutering programs and their efforts to stop puppy mills, some people misunderstand and think that I am involved in things that I am not involved in. I come from a rodeo town. I have several family members that hunt…close family members. I think that particular person just jumped to conclusions that are not accurate. Hope that clears things up.”
Unfortunately, it seems Miss Underwood misunderstands where her money actually went (or, more likely, doesn’t want to admit that she knows exactly where it went). Less than 1% of HSUS’s annual budget goes toward helping your local animal shelters, let alone anything to do with spaying or neutering pets. The rest goes to campaigning for animal rights ballot initiatives, supporting animal rights legislation, and suing farmers. The intent is to end animal agriculture. Carrie’s “accidental” support for such a cause is about as likely as me “accidentally” donating a large chunk of money to HSUS.

As always, great post! Shared it on my FB page.
Thank you!
I will never, I mean NEVER watch an award show or anything else featuring this human again. What a slap in the face to endure. The very people who support her the most. I can not for a moment believe she does not know what she is doing with her money. Shameful and disgraceful.
Her resentment must run very deep, to bite the hands that fed her. Or she's really, really stupid.
Her resentment must run really deep, to bite the hands that fed her. Either that, or she's really, really stupid.