Fighting disinformation around agriculture can be frustrating. Just like a hydra, whenever you manage to slay (er, discredit) one influencer, three more pop up in his or her place. Because deceitful statements boiled down to “common sense” is easier to understand than a lot of science.
But things are about to get really interesting now that media outlets are more aggressively sidestepping honesty while powerful (yet divisive) figures such as Robert F. Kennedy Jr. are getting their claws into the D.C. policymakers. Will someone else rise to take his place on the outside? Will these steps invite his like-minded financiers and influencers to the deepest dungeons of the federal government?
Couple that with Facebook’s and Instagram’s parent company Meta deciding that it will basically become the wild west of (dis)information without any sort of fact-checking, we’re finding ourselves in a true “God forbid” kind of scenario!
In light of this power vacuum, let’s round up (pun intended) the current crop of major anti-science, farmer-hating, gaslighting villains!
Continue reading at AGDAILY.

A person whom I knew well did his masters degree showing that “Ruminant Animals Double the Surface of the Earth that is Capable of Producing Food.”