I posted this letter that one scientist wrote to “Dr.” Oz regarding his recent television show about GMOs. Oz basically used the show to push his personal agenda against the use of GMOs and wasn’t very fussy with factual information.
Apparently the “expert” Oz had on his show is no more than a political activist with absolutely no scientific background.
A petition is now being signed by scientists in response to this fraud. They have repeatedly presented and demonstrated the following to Oz:
- The safety of biotech-derived foods has been thoroughly addressed by the international scientific community through decades of peer reviewed, published research.
- U.S. and international regulatory, science and health agencies including the Food & Drug Administration, European Food Safety Authority and the World Health Organization confirm these foods are safe.
- Highly respected, independent academic, science and health organizations such as the American Medical Association, the National Academies of Science and the American Dietetics Association have all confirmed these foods are safe.
- The health and safety claims made by Jeffrey Smith, repeatedly promoted on the Dr. Oz Show, his affiliated radio programs and websites, are without basis and refuted by extensive peer reviewed scientific and medical research.
You can check out the complete list of scientists opposing Oz’s show and false assertions, along with the full petition here.
(Note: I’ve had a lot of comments and feedback disbelieving that the scientists that I post about are legitimate. For those that doubt, you can check out the link and see an entire list full of scientists that agree with the above bullet points. I know, I know, science can be scary, especially when you don’t understand it. But you cannot continue to just pretend that every scientist is paid by Monsanto. Try to understand the truth, rather than see it through your own clouded lenses.)
Image courtesy of FreeDigitalPhotos.net.