“HSUS CEO Wayne Pacelle seems unhinged. On his blog the other day, he ranted against the pork industry, painting the false dichotomy of family farmers vs. “Big Ag.” HSUS, he alleged, is on the side of family farmers while bizarrely the pork industry—which relies on family farms to exist—isn’t. “The Humane Society of the United States,” Pacelle huffed, “hasn’t had a damn thing to do with the dissolution of family farmers.”
Spare us the crocodile tears, Wayne.
Let’s put aside the fact that there isn’t a single animal product, even produced on the most rustic farm in Amish country, humane enough for HSUS and its religiously vegan leaders. Let’s put aside the fact that HSUS’s food policy director has compared animal farming—on any farm, big or small—to the Nazi Holocaust. Let’s put aside the fact that HSUS’s farm-animal vice president has said that “eating meat”—from any farm—“causes animal cruelty.”
The fact is, HSUS’s own recent actions blow apart Pacelle’s defensive positioning.”
Finish reading here.
By the way, if you’re starting to forget: family farms are also corporate farms.
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