This one from last week is also turkey day themed, but worth the read.
From Southwest Farm Press:
“Several years ago I received a news release, just before Thanksgiving, urging folks to abstain from turkey at their holiday feast and to substitute “tofurkey” instead. Tofurky is a concoction of soy and a bunch of other stuff (spices and what not) that apparently adds flavor to the meat substitute.
I suggested that I would forego the tofurkey and enjoy a real turkey with friends and family. As I recall, I also added a pork loin to the feast—real pork, not tofahog, or whatever.
I received emails from people who thought they had the right to tell me what I should eat. Some called me names, including a word also used to describe a donkey. I survived—sticks and stones, as they say.
Just last week I received another news release from folks who want me to screen all my Thanksgiving foods to make certain there are no GMO products lurking in the turkey. GMO, the news release said, may be “an unwelcome and hidden guest at your Thanksgiving celebration.”
Keep reading here.
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