A healthy farm is nothing without a healthy you.
Farmers are a pretty tough group of people. Agriculture is physically demanding work. But it can also be mentally challenging. And we aren’t always so good at expressing how we feel inside.
But it’s no secret the farming community needs to do more about mental health. Farmers are struggling. And communities across the country have faced a growing tragedy: farmer suicide.
So I’m teaming up with Acceleron to break through the stigma surrounding depression. I’ve struggled with it myself. And I’ve watched people I care deeply about struggle, too. So if you need help, we have resources. If you want to help, we have resources. And if you aren’t sure where to begin, we have resources.
Acceleron’s Farm State of Mind provides a ton of resources for everyone. We all need to be more aware of the signs and symptoms of stress, depression, and suicidal thoughts. And Farm State of Mind empowers us to do just that. Click on the link. Browse what’s available. Share it with your friends. And bookmark it so you can come back to it.
If you are struggling, please know that you’re not alone. You are more than your farm. You are more than the crops in your field. You are more than just a generational legacy. Your life does have value and there are people who care about you.
Please ask for help. Please reach out. Please know there are people who care.