For the last two years, Fridays have been all about Farming Fridays on the blog. I shared with my readers weekly updates about our corn and soybean crops – from pre-planting to harvest. I also got to give readers the occasional glimpse into what it’s like to live on the farm.
While I’ve enjoyed Farming Fridays immensely, I’m also out of new crops to follow. Although our family has entertained the idea of bringing back our farm market or some of our other crops, right now we’re only producing corn and soybeans. Because I have already documented an entire year of each crop, it would seem rather redundant to do so again. Nonetheless, I love bringing a little piece of our farm to readers each week and I want to continue.
Thus, I am officially announcing a new weekly feature called Farm Living. Each Friday, I will share with readers some snippet of life on the farm. Some weeks, I assume, it will look very much like my Farming Fridays series – with lots of pictures of tractors, crops, and hard work. Other weeks, however, I will showcase different aspects of farm living. Quotes, videos, farm memes, recipes, memories, crafts, and anything else that speaks to me that week.
My goal with this new series is to make a personal connection with my readers aside from all the issues facing modern agriculture today. While I think the work I do here Monday thru Thursday is important and worthwhile, I also think there needs to be balance. I’m not only here to defend and support conventional agriculture, I’m here to convince readers it’s worth defending and supporting as well.
I also want readers to get involved! Do you have a fun memory? An easy trick for staying sane during planting and harvest? A cool farming fact? Grandma’s secret recipe? A rural holiday tradition? Whatever it is, I encourage readers to talk to me about it.
I’m very much looking forward to getting creative, sharing a bit more about life on the farm, and connecting with my readers in new and unexpected ways. I sincerely hope my readers will enjoy Farm Living and, as always, I am open to suggestions.