And he has to lose.
I’ll offer an apology for my regular readers that I’m only now covering this story. I randomly heard in passing that Dr. Oz was running for the U.S. Senate. But I suppose I didn’t take it very seriously. I mean, honestly, who would vote for Dr. Oz? So you’ll forgive my surprise when I was watching the news the other night and heard that not only is Dr. Oz endorsed by Donald Trump, he’s also a frontrunner in the primary.
Holy crap.
It’s obvious why this is a problem: this man is a leader in demonizing modern agriculture and scaring people about our–completely safe, nutritious, and abundant–food supply. Dr. Oz has no qualms about straight out lying to people. Remember when he falsely claimed that tomatoes were genetically modified with fish genes and these deadly creatures were hiding in plain sight in the grocery store? I mean, the man is such a fraud even Congress called him out for promoting “miracle” weight-loss cures.
Dr. Oz is no more than a fish-oil salesman. And now he’s running for the U.S. Senate. America (specifically Pennsylvania), we can do better than this.
The one comfort I take from a potential Senator Oz is that it’s not like Congress will give him a larger platform than he already had. The man had an afternoon talk show where he was allowed to spew nonsense without any filter. In the Senate, he’ll just be one of 100 people with the same title. And let’s be honest, no one trusts politicians to tell the truth, so the position won’t lend him any credibility.
But there’s no doubt that Dr. Oz can’t become an elected official. He can’t be allowed to make laws that will impact agriculture. He just can’t. Any legislation he introduces or supports will be contrived from his magical fairytale land were truth and science don’t matter.
And agriculture doesn’t need any more enemies in Congress. Let’s not forget that Cory Booker is still a sitting senator, and I don’t want him and Dr. Oz to join forces. *shudder*
If Dr. Oz wins today, I have no idea what his chances will be in November. I understand that this is an open senate seat (as in, the incumbent is retiring). That means we don’t know who will be running as a Democrat yet either. So maybe it becomes a coin toss?
Listen, do me a favor: if you have friends in Pennsylvania, please encourage them to go vote for someone else today. Anyone else in the Republican primary. I don’t even care who. We need to stop Dr. Oz right here and now.