Last fall I shared a story about Mischa hurting her knee. So I figured I should also share a status update.
Mischa partially tore a ligament in her knee after getting stuck in the mud on the farm. The vet hoped it would heal without surgery. We just had to be extra lazy and not use it too much (sure, tell that to a 2 year-old puppy!). It was a stressful few weeks of trying to stop her from jumping, running, and going crazy.
The good news: it’s (almost) all better!
Mischa still occassionally limps after laying for a long time. It gets a little stiff. And she’s mastered jumping on the furniture without using it. But otherwise it seems well healed.
I’m so relieved. Our last farm dog had a similar injury in both knees. And she was never the same afterwards, though she regained use of both legs. So I’m glad Mischa was able to heal without any surgical treatment. My pocketbook is also happy!
She’s back to her mischievous, playful self!
Thanks to everyone for the questions and suggestions!